Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Green Hair

It's taking surprisingly long for me to get back into the swing of doing my art regularly.
It's kind of painful, since there was a time not very long ago where I would go into withdrawal from spending half a day without a pencil in my hand.

I still adore it, I am just getting so caught up in other bits and pieces of my life, I am not awarding myself the time.
As a result, I feel some of my work is suffering pretty badly.

Here's a weird little drawing I did. I don't know why her hair is green. Just seemed the thing to do.



  1. Perhaps you should 'award' yourself more often :)

  2. Her hair looks gorgeous *so jealous of your skills* I'm slowly getting better with hair...

  3. I love the style of her face! That's new for you (at least as far as I've seen) and it's fantastically cute!

    Ya tebya lyublyu, BUKA!
